Strategies and Scaffolds for Teaching Writing in Secondary ELA
Creating Confident Writers Has Never Been Easier!
These days, students seem to be struggling more and more with writing. From starting an essay to tackling a creative assignment, the art of writing seems to be more challenging for today’s youth. Our students have so much to say, but sometimes they might not know how to put their thoughts onto paper. These students have strong opinions and beliefs they want to express, but writing might not be one of their natural strengths. This means their brilliant ideas might never be shared in an ELA class or within a standard writing assignment.
If we are going to teach our students to become stronger writers, we need to make sure our ELA classes meet the needs of every single one of our students. We need to purposefully include strategies and scaffolds in our instruction for the students who struggle with writing and provide them with the structure needed to succeed. Building Strong Writers aims to equip educators with all the tools necessary to help their students be confident, compelling writers and to understand the tremendous power of the written word.