12.30.21 Thursday Night Live Recap

Hope you all will join in and listen to DBC Thursday Night FREE PD Live hosted by Dave Burgess & Tara Martin. The questions shared in the live show were inspired by the On Purpose podcast with Jay Shetty linked HERE. In this episode, Jay shared 9 Powerful Reflection Questions for 2021. However, we tweaked four of them to guide our chat and interact with you all.

4 Questions to Consider at the End of the Year:

1) In one sentence, what's the most meaningful lesson you learned in 2021?

2) If you went through your camera roll of 2021, what brought you the most joy?

3) What do you wish you had done more of this year?

4) What do you want to do less of next year?

How might you respond to these questions? Or, how might those you serve respond? 

Follow us on Twitter HERE, and join us for more Facebook/YouTube Lives, every Thursday night at 6:30 PM CT.