Are you considering stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new in your current role? You will undoubtedly want to check out this guest post by Starr Sackstein, author of From Teacher to Leader.
Guest Post by Starr Sackstein
Being an educator is challenging, but rewarding work. We all get into it for different reasons and we all stay with it for equally as many reasons, but the longer we persist, the harder we have to try to stay relevant and engaged. And sometimes, for some of us, we start to question how to stretch even further.
Of course, none of us want to descend to the “dark side”, the place that pits us against them, losing sight of the many challenges and expectations of the classroom and dropping initiative after initiative onto our once esteemed colleagues, rather than do it in a humane and positive way.
Leadership does not HAVE to be dark; it can be an opportunity to grow the light we share in the classroom, engaging members of our team and helping them be the best versions of themselves for more students than we can teach on our own.
As a teacher, I never thought I’d leave the classroom, but I knew if I did, I’d be the leader I always wanted, an amalgam of the many leaders I’ve worked under, taking what not to do and what to do and making it my own. But making the decision to leave the classroom wasn’t easy (and it still isn’t easy being out of the classroom a little more than one year and a half into my new role), but the new work is worthwhile and doing it with integrity makes it easier.
If you are a teacher who has been at it for a while with success. You may experience some of the following signs that a change could be in your future:
(This is a modified list from Teacher to Leader: Finding Your Way as a First-Time Leader without Losing Your Mind)
Sign | Meaning |
Boredom | You still love the kids, but you are bored with the lessons you are teaching and the routine of daily responsibilities you once found exciting. While this could lead to more risk taking and research if you felt it could improve your job experience, it could mean it is time to try a new challenge. |
Restlessness | You start looking at other professions—not just other jobs. You start thinking about how much of your life you’ve given to your current job and what you have gotten out of it. You’re reflective, but not necessarily in a productive way. You have energy needing to be redirected, possibly the impetus to try something new. You must be bold if you stay where you are, or restlessness can lead to poor decision making. |
Complacency | You start to phone it in. Things come easily to you, and you feel no need or desire to push harder because of other things happening in your life. You acknowledge this isn’t the best version of yourself when you notice; you may even be nostalgic for previous times when you were great at your job; in fact, you want to return to the best version of yourself. Are you feeling burned out, and is that why you aren’t trying as hard? Only you can figure out if pushing through this difficult time is what’s best or if a new challenge will reinvigorate your interest in this career. |
If you can identify with any of this, trying something new may be the next step. There are lots of leadership opportunities in your current school or in a new position altogether. Maybe it is time to make a pros and cons sheet and determine if you are ready for leadership. You can start off small, lead a PLC in your school or join a committee or start going to conferences and get involved with a local, state, or national professional organization. Feel it out first and see how it feels.
When you’re ready to make the leap, remember, that nothing is permanent, but it will take time. Being in a new role, whether in a community you are familiar with or in a new place, will feel different, maybe even isolating, but that doesn’t mean you are doing it wrong. Give it time. Ask for help and be honest with yourself and the people you are working with. That honesty will go a long way.
Now in my second year of leadership, there are still a lot of growing pains, but the struggles are worth it. Changes are happening and the relationships I’ve built with my team are the foundation of all of it.
No matter how ready you think you are, there will be moments you question your choice and that’s okay. Trust yourself and continue to lead from a place of transparency.
What are your biggest fears about leaving your current position? What do you stand to gain? Please share.
Thank you, Starr.
Wow! Great insights! Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us. If you'd like to check out Starr's book From Teacher to Leader, click the link below. Not only will you be able to view the summary and a sneak peek video, but you can also preview the first few chapters for FREE. Scroll to the bottom of the page, beneath the large cover image, click FREE PREVIEW!
From Teacher to Leader
Amazing. Exciting. Terrifying. Your first year as a school leader can be all those things at once.
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