Self-Care Secrets for Stressed-Out Teachers
Stressed out? Frazzled? Overwhelmed?
You don't have to be.
A sanctuary is a place of rest and refuge, of safety and sanity. It’s a state of being that enables you to escape the busyness of life. It’s a moment of self-care that puts you at ease. But if you’re like most teachers, that place often seems just out of reach.
In Sanctuaries, Dan Tricarico (author of The Zen Teacher) shares insights and strategies for making space in your busy life so you can be the teacher and person you want to be. You’ll learn how to . . .
- Give yourself permission to take a break
- Be truly present, even when life feels busy
- Practice mindfulness
- Develop systems that make life more manageable
Living in a constant state of “crazy-busy” doesn’t help anyone, least of all you. To be at your best for others, you must first be your own best self, which requires slowing down and becoming aware of–and tending to–your own needs. The simple, practical, and actionable steps Tricarico shares in this guide will empower you to create a sanctuary plan that allows you to experience more peace and less stress–starting today. If The Zen Teacher reminds you to take care of yourself, Sanctuaries shows you how.
Discover your sanctuary.