A Rogue Guide to Revolutionizing Professional Development
In The Four O’Clock Faculty, Rich identifies ways to make professional learning meaningful, efficient, and, above all, personally relevant. It’s a practical guide to revolutionize PD, revealing why some is so awful and what you can do to change the model for the betterment of everyone.
About the Book
Author Rich Czyz is on a mission to revolutionize professional learning for all educators. In The Four O’Clock Faculty, Rich identifies ways to make PD meaningful, efficient, and, above all, personally relevant. This book is a practical guide that reveals why some PD is so awful and what you can do to change the model for the betterment of you and your colleagues.
"A useful and urgent manual for teachers who care. People like you."
– Seth Godin, Author Stop Stealing Dreams
"Rich's book is for any educator who has suffered through Professional Development (PD) meetings, sessions, or days that had no planning or no effort to make the time or process relevant to the participants. Rich's direct approach to making PD valuable is refreshing. The advice on the use of Twitter and building Professional Learning Networks is exceptional. All of us who have resorted to playing "PD Bingo" during in-service will find this gem extremely worthwhile. Use it yourself but share it with colleagues and administrators. This book is a classic for all educational leaders who wish to provide appropriate and participatory PD."
– Michael Curran, Educators Voice College Professor of the Year

"Four O'Clock Faculty has been a morning eye-opener for me for over a year. In his book, Rich Czyz has shared some amazing ideas to give life to professional development and professional learning for educators. His ideas are practical and unique. Teachers can take charge of their own learning starting today. Administrators can use this book to re-charge their meetings and PD days. This is Rich's manifesto. Never let a day go by without learning. Thank you for writing and sharing your amazing ideas."
– Jay Billy, Principal
"Rich Czyz's masterful new book is an insider's view of professional learning at it's finest with a flexible step-by-step roadmap of try-it-tomorrow options. Rich keeps his promise of personalized, relevant and connected PD by sharing his vision to redefine, reimagine and redesign PD. Four O'Clock Faculty will transform the face of PD by creating a culture of meaningful, productive and respectful conversations that will allow countless educators to bring his promise to life where it matters most - in the company of children."
– Dr. Mary Howard, Educational Consultant and Author, Good to Great Teaching

"Four O' Clock Faculty is a book that I wish I had when beginning my journey as a principal. It is filled with practical strategies that can be implemented with any group of adult learners. Rich takes ideas that we know are best practice in classrooms and adjusts to meet the needs of adults. I highly recommend this go-to resource for all that are looking to transform their PD practices."
– Beth Houf, Principal, Fulton Middle School Co-Author, Lead Like a PIRATE: Make Schools Amazing for Your Students and Staff
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