Welcome to Our Journal Like a PIRATE!
We are proud to offer you a journaling and planning system intentionally designed with incredible flexibility because we truly believe that there is no one right way to journal. This 14-week planner combines several design features into one system that can be personalized and adapted to your own style. We encourage you to make it your own!
Journaling is a powerful practice. It can help us:
- Keep track of ideas
- Get our creative juices flowing
- Make connections
- Reflect
- Reduce stress and have a cathartic effect
- Brainstorm
- Process and clear the mind
- Focus us on our highest priority work
- Promote gratitude, balance, and peace of mind
Weekly Planning Calendar

A weekly planning calendar is included in the system on every eighth-page spread. It is undated to give you as much flexibility as possible. Add your own dates as you choose.
This allows you to use the seven-page spreads in between as daily pages, if you choose. The week is a perfect unit length for planning and prioritizing your time.
The seven-page spreads in between the weekly calendars have been specially designed to include multiple features loved by journal and planning aficionados.

The Left Page
At the top you will find a powerful quote from a DBC Inc. author that will allow you to start your day with some inspiration, motivation, and/or reflection.
Next are seven bullet points. There are literally hundreds of ways they can be used from to-do lists, daily gratitudes, affirmations, big goals, meeting agenda items, etc. We can’t wait to hear how you choose to use them!
Below the bullet points, you will find a lined section for morning thoughts, freewriting, note-taking, reflections on the quote, or however YOU chose to use them.
The Right Page
This page has been designed with a light dot matrix that is perfect for Bullet Journaling, sketchnotes, doodling, notes, or maybe even something different every day depending on your needs!
Beginning of Next Eight-Page Spread

Let's Share Our #JournalLAP Ideas
You will learn more, order additional copies, and see an ever-growing compilation of ideas and videos from us and other #JournalLAP users that will help you to maximize the effectiveness of the system right here on our webpage--bit.ly/piratejournal.
Thank you for using the Journal Like a PIRATE system and please share your thoughts and ideas using the #JournalLAP hashtag on social media.
Dave and Shelley Burgess and the entire Dave Burgess Consulting Inc. team
Video Resources & Examples
We would love to see how you are using your #JournalLAP. If you'd like a chance to have your images or video featured on our website or social media accounts, please share them via Google Drive with tara@daveburgessconsulting.com.