Speaker Bio
Charles Williams has served as an educator for more than 15 years as a teacher, an assistant principal, and a principal for students in grades K-12. He also serves as an equity advocate with the Equity Offices of the City of Chicago and the Chicago Public Schools. As a reflection of his dedication to doing this important work, Charles also hosts "The Counter Narrative Podcast" and co-hosts an edushow called "Inside the Principal's Office." Through his consulting company, he is a best-selling author and a highly sought after workshop facilitator and keynote speaker.

The Problem With Color Blindness: Tales of a Black Man Raised "White"
With so many conversations around race and ethnicity in our educational spaces, it is important to understand that some of the best intentions have unintended consequences. Join me as I share my story of being raised "white" despite a very obvious conflict ... I'm not. I will discuss how this approach to equity and inclusion shaped my perceptions and experiences both in and out of school.
Diversity, Equity, Race, Culture, Inclusion
● Define and explain the implications of color blindness
● Differentiate between the three levels of culture
● Understand the connections between race and culture
● Develop opportunities to support authentic inclusivity in their spaces
Presentation Type:
Keynote, Breakout Session
S.M.A.R.T. Leadership during Challenging Times
Leadership can be tough. Leadership during challenging times can be even tougher. Join me as I share an approach that my team and I developed as we navigated the complexities of the pandemic, the resulting shutdown, and the attempt to readjust as we returned to "normal" using a simple acronym. Attendees will be able to apply this process to one of their organization's issues and walk away with a practical approach that can be implemented immediately.to equity and inclusion shaped my perceptions and experiences both in and out of school.
Leadership, Time Management, Collaboration, Communication, Crisis Management
● Identify the five part approach to S.M.A.R.T. leadership
● Assess a current problem using the approach
● Develop a plan for navigating future challenges
Presentation Type:
Keynote, Breakout Session, Workshop
Equitable Leadership: Moving Beyond the Hashtags
Equity is one of the hottest topics in education today but it doesn't just happen. Leaders must be intentional about developing their own equity stance, curating approaches to ensure that their school communities embrace these ideologies, and cultivating systems to ensure lasting change. Join me as we use the Equity Framework developed by a team of educators in Chicago Public Schools to address an equity challenge identified in your own space. Attendees will walk away with a personalized purpose that they can share with their school communities and practical resources to begin doing this essential work.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Resource Management, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving
● Know the four domains of the framework and why they are necessary for equity work
● Understand how the frameworks operate interdependently to produce desired outcomes
● Implement the framework to address an equity need within their organization
Presentation Type:
Keynote, Breakout Session, Workshop
MENtal Health: Addressing the Issues of Toxic Masculinity and the Impact on Education
Mental health has become a much discussed topic in the field of education as we begin to understand the implications on student behavior and academic performance. More often than not, however, we approach mental health solely in the terms of our students without considering how it affects the adults in our schools. How can we expect to support our students if we cannot support ourselves? This session will explore the issues of toxic masculinity, how they are perpetuated within our schools, and what we can do to break the cycle. Through vulnerable storytelling and honest reflections, join me on this journey that will not only begin the healing process for ourselves, but for future generations as well.
Diversity, Equity, Mental Health, Behavior, Classroom Management
● Define and provide examples of toxic masculinity
● Know statistics/data to support the need for a shift
● Understand how toxic masculinity can negatively impact their relationships with others
● Communicate the importance of addressing mental health issues
● Implement methods of addressing toxic masculinity and mental health ● Serve as role models for their students and community
Presentation Type:
Keynote, Breakout Session
Identifying and Operating Within Your Zone of Genius
We all have various talents and thus have the capacity to do many things well. Just because we can do something, however, doesn't mean that we should be doing it. In fact, many of us spend a majority of our day engaged in tasks that we are just as good at or better than others. Do these tasks provide fulfillment? Do they align with your purpose? Join me as we seek out your zone of genius and get you re-energized to do the work.
Mental Health, Job Satisfaction, Purpose, Mission, Vision, Conscious Leadership
● Understand the four zones of functioning
● Craft a personal mission statement
● Identify their zone of genius
● Develop a plan to operate within their zone of genius
Presentation Type:
Keynote, Breakout Session, Workshop
Developing Safe Spaces to Facilitate Brave Conversations
Diving into equitable conversations can be challenging because they are often scary, messy, and unpredictable. Despite this, they are necessary. How can you create spaces in which your staff feel comfortable enough to engage in these conversations? Join me as I share some practical strategies for developing safe spaces through interactive activities. You will leave with tools, resources, and the mindset needed to begin this work within your own space.
Courageous Conversations, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion
● Identify the components of safe spaces
● Differentiate between Discourse I and Discourse II
● Engage in challenging conversations
Presentation Type:
Breakout Session, Workshop
Intentional Inclusion & Belonging: Moving From Awareness to Action
While it is important for us to understand the need for change within our educational system, awareness is not enough. We need to begin implementing strategies that are both impactful and sustainable. This session will explore how acculturation impacts the diverse groups within our schools and provides attendees the opportunity to engage in activities to reflect on their own identity and to develop plans to move towards action.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Culture, Mission
● Understand levels of culture
● Define types of acculturation
● Identify their position on the intercultural sensitivity model
● Use poetry and personal mission statements to engage in this work
Presentation Type:
Breakout Session, Workshop
A Principal's Principles: 10 Lessons Learned in 10 Years
A decade of serving as a school administrator has taught me many valuable lessons. Moreover, this time has allowed me to develop foundational principles to guide my daily actions. From developing a shared vision to modeling expected behaviors, join me as I reflect and share how these experiences have shaped the leader I am today.
Leadership, Values
● Develop a personal definition of leadership
● Reflect on experiences to identify core values
● Craft a leadership story
Presentation Type:
Keynote, Breakout Session
Express Yourself! Vocabulary Instruction Strategies that Stick
From what they are feeling, to what they want to accomplish, to highlighting their strengths, students often have a difficult time accurately communicating due to a limited vocabulary. Come learn how to help students expand their word-base through a variety of vocabulary centered activities. This interactive session will walk you through lessons designed to excite and engage students.
Vocabulary, Language Arts
● Understand effective instructional strategies for teaching vocabulary ● Explain the pedagogy behind vocabulary instruction
● Develop alternative approaches to improve lessons
Presentation Type:
PBL: Integrating Problem, Project, and Place Based Learning
What do problem, project, and place-based learning have in common? They can all be leveraged to challenge students and provide opportunities to showcase true mastery of learning. Join me in this hands-on session to explore how simple it can be to push your
students to the next level of learning through fun and creative activities. Spoiler: Legos will be in use!
Problem-Based Learning, Project-Based Learning, Place-Based Learning, Rigor and Relevance
● Define and differentiate between the three types of learning
● Develop relevant learning experiences for students
● Solve a problem for a given scenario using provided resources
Presentation Type:
Leadership cannot, and should not, be reduced to a singular style. Rather, true leadership is a complex blend of characteristics that develop various types of leaders. During this session, we will explore the qualities that all strong leaders should possess and how those may manifest while serving within a school. Do you have what it takes to be a leader?
Leadership, Leadership styles, Character
● Explain the different characteristics of strong leaders
● Identify their personal blend of leadership
Presentation Type: