Evan Robb is a principal, author, blogger, and a sought-after speaker. He has over twenty years of experience serving as a building level principal. Evan leads sustainable change initiatives that transform school culture, increase achievement, and prepare students for their future.
Evan Robb
Evan and Laura Robb are excited to collaborate with Dave and Shelly Burgess for their newest book, TeamMakers.
Evan encourages you to explore The Robb Review Blog for more of his thoughts on teaching, learning, and leadership. All of Evan’s writing focuses on looking ahead, not looking back. In addition, Evan also has a podcast, The Robb Review Podcast. He is honored to be named one of the top 25 educational leaders to follow on Twitter.
Evan offers inspirational keynotes, workshops, and on-going professional learning opportunities across the country on leadership, mindset, culture, impactful change and how to improve literacy in schools. Evan has shared his ideas with thousands of educators at dozens of workshops across the country.
All keynotes listed below can be adjusted to meet the needs of your school event or conference.
Evan shares a story of triumph, setbacks, and redemption. TeamMakers empowers central office staff, school administrators, and teachers to collaborate and communicate their educational hopes and dreams. When these stakeholders work as a team and deepen their understanding of each other’s stories, they tap into their creative thinking, talent, and innovative ideas to bring about positive changes throughout a district. To develop this culture of courage and respect for diverse ideas, Evan will offer specific suggestions for getting started, moving forward, and enhancing the effectiveness of your team.
Disrupting Your Routine and Finding Your Greatness
Through story and images, Evan will share his thinking on the impact of mindset on personal and professional growth. Disrupting your routine, letting go of what’s holding you back, and how you view change all impact your decisions, choices, and success. Evan will challenge the status quo and challenge your staff to reflect on their work patterns and the changes they can make to get new and better results. This keynote is not about learning something new; it is focused on reminding you of what you may have forgotten.
Two Ways to Get Into a Swimming Pool
Based on Evan’s TEDx talk. Evan shares a personal journey of hope, optimism, and the value of living and leading with passion. As we grow older we often lose sight of the daring and fearlessness we had when we were young. Help your team recapture daring and the conditions that need to be in place to find the greatness that is in each of us.
Culture, Climate and Leadership
Evan, through story and personal experience, shares the importance of establishing a positive school culture and climate. Attendees will learn eight specific strategies you can start right away to lead change to create an environment staff want to work in and a school student’s want to attend.
Each workshop can be one or two hours and are ideal for teachers and administrators. Evan’s workshops allow staff to delve deeper into topics and to leave with ideas and strategies to positively impact culture, climate, and change.
TeamMakers Active-Learning Workshop
Evan will work with your team to identify division-wide challenges. Teams will prioritize challenge, discuss ways to address them and the pathways forward.
Mindset Matters
Staff will see how mindset, disrupting routines and letting go of what is holding us back can lead to innovations in teaching and leading. Evan will share stories, pose questions, and offer suggestions on how the choices we make can change the trajectories of adults and children.
Think Like an Entrepreneur: Market Your School
Evan pulls upon his M.B.A. skills to share 10 specific strategies you can use to harness technologies and social media to define your school’s brand and to promote your brand to your community, staff, and students.
You Can’t Fire Your Way to Excellence
In this workshop, Evan shares 5 specific strategies he has learned to improve staff performance. Effective principals understand it takes time for a teacher to grow and develop the skills necessary to integrate best practices into a learner-centered environment. It’s important to understand this: a principal cannot build a positive student-focused culture by removing staff in hopes of the perfect teacher showing up for an interview.
Time to Let Go!
This workshop is a combination of humor, nostalgia, and change. Evan takes your staff on a journey and highlights 7 traditions that many hold near and dear but need to go. Learn how to challenge some of these traditions and strategies to bring about effective change for staff and students.
What people are saying about Evan Robb
Evan integrates story, humor, and at times deep emotions allowing me to make a personal connection to his message.
I have followed Evan for a few years on social media he shares great ideas on education and leadership. Hearing Evan takes the experience to a whole new level. Evan, I am fan!
Evan is polished and professional. For a well-known educator I was amazed how friendly and down to earth he was, he is one of us!
Learn More About Evan!
Watch Evan on Mindset Matters, Disrupting Routines in Education
Listen to Evan on The Aspire Leadership Podcast
Watch Two Ways to Get Into a Swimming Pool | Evan Robb | TEDxFieldstoneDriveED